Monday, March 17, 2008

Hello World and All Who Inhabit It

Well, now I have a blog. Never thought that would happen. 'Course, back in the day I never thought that I would have an email address, a cell phone, or a Facebook--and now I have all of those things. What a world. . .
And now it's back to my semi-boring half-way exciting college life. In other words, I need to finish my homework. I hope you and I both end up enjoying this exciting new world called "blogging." Goodbye, and good luck.


Kathy said...

Hey There!! I know I will enjoy this. But, I also know you don't have a lot of time! Maybe I will have to do one of these..hmmmmm...

Erin Dougal said...

Cheri Kay! You have a blog! So do I, but I never write on it, so you should never read it. OK. This is lame. You are in arms distance and I am electronically talking to you instead of talking to you verbally. Just like you, I am flabbergasted at all the technology in this world. OK, I'm going to write my essay now. Or maybe we'll end up watching American Idol. Wuteva.

ldsjaneite said...

Yea!! A blog! I'm so happy. I hope you don't mind that I added you to my link of friends.